《骏马奥斯温5》是有小小影院提供免费在线观看高清播放地址,骏马奥斯温5是由喜欢动作片的热心网友上传至本网站,本部作品是由导演雷娅·施米德鲍尔,主演Luna,Paiano,汉娜·宾克,马文·林克,安柏·本加德,斯洛·派克内尔,科奈莉亚·弗洛波伊斯等一起努力共同拍摄完成的,本片在故事情节、角色塑造、制作设计等方面都表现出色,更在思想深度上有所突破是一部值得推荐观看的作品,该作品在2020年上映于其它地区,豆瓣好评居高不下。骏马奥斯温5剧情简述A heavy summer storm brings a touring horse circus to Kaltenbach, the stud farm where Ari now calls home. Ari finds friendship in the circus boy Carlo and gets introduced to the fascinating world of trick riding. Soon Ari notices that the show horse Hurricane, aging and injured, is still being forced to perform by the cruel circus director Yiri. Ari and Carlo enlist Ari’s faithful black stallion Windstorm in a plan to save Hurricane, but Yiri has other plans which will endanger Windstorm. It will require some last minute help from Mika to save both magnificent creatures.
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