《漂泊皇妃》是有小小影院提供免费在线观看高清播放地址,漂泊皇妃是由喜欢剧情片的热心网友上传至本网站,本部作品是由导演田中绢代,主演京町子,船越英二,金田一敦子,东山千荣子,泽村贞子,三宅邦子,八潮悠子,水户光子,笠智众,石黑达也,南部彰三,Y?suke,?e,三津田健,Kiyoko,Hirai,出云八重子,岡崎夏子,Mitsuko,Takesato,Sayoko,Kasumi,Yoshiko,Kusunoki,Kikuko,Tachibana等一起努力共同拍摄完成的,本片在故事情节、角色塑造、制作设计等方面都表现出色,更在思想深度上有所突破是一部值得推荐观看的作品,该作品在1960年上映于日本地区,豆瓣好评居高不下。漂泊皇妃剧情简述Pu Zhe, the younger brother of the Emperor of Manchukuo, Pu Wen, marries Ryuko the daughter of a long-established aristocratic family – all in the interest of the Japanese rulers, which legitimizes the relationship between Japan and its Chinese puppet state. To the surprise of all , a deep love between Pu Zhe and Ryuko develops. It is put to the test when Japan loses the war, M...
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